Milwaukee, WI
Year joined SDSO:
Undergraduate Performance Studies at
Cal State Sacramento and Cal State Northridge
In 1974 studied trombone at Die Hochschule fur Music in Berlin
Teachers: Norman Hunt, Phil Laspina, Dennis Smith, Byron Peebles,
Norm Flemming, Johann Doms, Lou van Haney, Mark Lawrence,
Ed Anderson, Jim Decker, and Bob Sanders.
Area music affiliations:
Principal Trombone San Diego Symphony 1971 to 1984
Principal Trombone San Diego Opera 1971 to 2004
Second Trombone San Diego Symphony 1985 to present
Principal Trombone Committee On The Arts (COTA), Los Angeles, Don Ray, Conductor
Principal Trombone San Fernando Valley Symphony, Elmer Bernstein, Conductor
Principal Trombone American Youth Symphony, Mehli Mehta, Conductor
Performed with Debut Orchestra, Paul Polivnik, Conductor
Britt Festival Orchestra, Jacksonville, Oregon
San Diego Chamber Orchestra
Served on the executive board of San Diego Musicians Union, Local 325
Served on negotiating committees for both the symphony and opera musicians
Produced Music At Dusk series at Westminster Presbyterian Church,
Point Loma, for 25 years
My father worked for a company that made military hardware. His job
entailed set up, installation and warranty service. Consequently, we
moved around a lot and I went to a different school for every grade.
The family moved to Sacramento in 1962 and to San Diego in 1966. I
stayed in Sacramento when they moved to San Diego, until 1969, when I
transferred from Cal State Sacramento to Cal State Northridge. While
at Northridge, I did considerable free-lancing including, community
orchestras, several large churches in the LA area, and some recording.
Camping, Photography and bead jewelry. (And breaking in new Principal
I am an Elder at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Point Loma and have
been married to Peggy Johnston, free-lance double bassist, since 1976.
We have two grown children and two grandchildren.
Contact me

Milwaukee, WI
Year joined SDSO:
Undergraduate Performance Studies at
Cal State Sacramento and Cal State Northridge
In 1974 studied trombone at Die Hochschule fur Music in Berlin
Teachers: Norman Hunt, Phil Laspina, Dennis Smith, Byron Peebles,
Norm Flemming, Johann Doms, Lou van Haney, Mark Lawrence,
Ed Anderson, Jim Decker, and Bob Sanders.
Area music affiliations:
Principal Trombone San Diego Symphony 1971 to 1984
Principal Trombone San Diego Opera 1971 to 2004
Second Trombone San Diego Symphony 1985 to present
Principal Trombone Committee On The Arts (COTA), Los Angeles, Don Ray, Conductor
Principal Trombone San Fernando Valley Symphony, Elmer Bernstein, Conductor
Principal Trombone American Youth Symphony, Mehli Mehta, Conductor
Performed with Debut Orchestra, Paul Polivnik, Conductor
Britt Festival Orchestra, Jacksonville, Oregon
San Diego Chamber Orchestra
Served on the executive board of San Diego Musicians Union, Local 325
Served on negotiating committees for both the symphony and opera musicians
Produced Music At Dusk series at Westminster Presbyterian Church,
Point Loma, for 25 years
My father worked for a company that made military hardware. His job
entailed set up, installation and warranty service. Consequently, we
moved around a lot and I went to a different school for every grade.
The family moved to Sacramento in 1962 and to San Diego in 1966. I
stayed in Sacramento when they moved to San Diego, until 1969, when I
transferred from Cal State Sacramento to Cal State Northridge. While
at Northridge, I did considerable free-lancing including, community
orchestras, several large churches in the LA area, and some recording.
Camping, Photography and bead jewelry. (And breaking in new Principal
I am an Elder at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Point Loma and have
been married to Peggy Johnston, free-lance double bassist, since 1976.
We have two grown children and two grandchildren.
Contact me