Xiaoxuan Shi
What makes music special to you?
To me I feel music is a media to connect myself with the outer world.
What drew you to your instrument? Was it your first choice?
When I was 5, my parents took me to an orchestra concert and asked me to choose an instrument to learn. Violin was my first choice
What other hobbies are you interested in?
Besides playing music, I really like to read. Reading helps me to relax and learn new things.
Cherry Choi Tung Yeung
Where did you grow up?
I was born and raised in Hong Kong. But later went to New York (The Juilliard School) and Philadelphia (Curtis Institute of Music) to continue my studies before coming to San Diego.
What makes music special to you?
Since I am an introvert, music is like my voice. When I am playing music, it makes me feel like a completely different person. I will be able to fully express myself and not feel shy about it. I don’t think I can live without music.
What is the most exciting/thrilling musical experience you’ve had and what made it so?
I believe it will be being invited to the Marlboro Chamber Music Festival. It was just crazy how I got to play chamber music with world renowned artists like Nobuko Imai, Peter Wiley, Joseph Lin etc and many top prize winners of big competitions. The whole experience was truly inspiring.
What other hobbies are you interested in?
I love cooking! I like trying out new recipes. I mostly cook Asian food but also like to explore new recipes for desserts.